Database of Sustainability Projects

The database uses project summaries to show people what is going on for sustainability in the Edmonton Region by different organizations. Viewers can use it to start to understand the subject through real examples, get ideas, or contact project managers for more information. The Edmonton Database has been started and you can view it here. A team of two or three volunteers could easily expand it and keep it up to date. If you would like to help with the database, or would like to list your sustainability project, go to the Contact page.

Photo by Shiau Ling on Unsplash
Photo: OpenAI
Photo: Chris Henry on Unsplash
Photo by David Bruyndonckx on Unsplash
Photo: DALLE OpenAI
Photo: Re-Store Habitat for Humanity
Photo by Anthony Lee on Unsplash
Photo by Gábor Veres on Unsplash
Photo: Parkland Wetland by Amber Ford on Unsplash